Bias in a.t. kearney rankings for global city
Bias in a.t. kearney rankings for global city

bias in a.t. kearney rankings for global city bias in a.t. kearney rankings for global city bias in a.t. kearney rankings for global city

Kearney is the sixth edition of the report in which the consulting firm examines the offshoring landscape in 51* countries around the globe, and ranks the top destinations for global offshoring. The ‘Global Services Location Index’ (GSLI) 2014 by A.T. As a result, countries are continiously trying to entice companies to offshore production to their premises. For hosting countries, attracting offshore activities is an important manner of boosting its economy, attracting know-how and building skills. Currently, many large companies have large parts of their service operations offshore, and analysts expect that midsize and small companies will follow. Offshoring, when a company conducts activities outside its country of origin, took off in the late 1990s, and was mainly driven by an increased need for large-scale IT operations. In this report, the consulting firm examines the offshoring landscape around the globe and ranks the top destinations for global offshoring. Kearney’s ‘Global Services Location Index’. Asia remains the best region to choose as offshore location, with India, China and Malaysia representing the top 3 in A.T.

Bias in a.t. kearney rankings for global city